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The docker support will be extended in future.

Currently we have a very simple docker image. This image is always the same as our master branch and not much use. Thats because we only use it for the demo environment.

The image can be found here: Dockerhub maxskoff/kartei

You could build your own image. In the end you just need to inject the binary.


You can provide our binary directly with the help of e.g. SystemD. To do this, only the following command must be executed.

kartei serve

This will start Kartei at the following URL http://localhost:8090. Corresponding URL can also be changed in the general Pocketbase settings.

Base settings before start

After the initial start of Kartei, admin users must be created. This refers to Pocketbase and Kartei Admins. More information about the roles can be found here.

  1. Visit http://localhost:8090/_/
  2. Create a Pocketbase admin

This account can render your entire instance unusable and should only be used by trained personnel.

  1. Create a normal user with admin rights with the Pocketbase Admin.

This cannot render your entire instance unusable, but can manage and delete all data.

Now you are ready to log in with the admin in Kartei at http://localhost:8090.